I am a an Associate Editor in:
I am a member of Editorial Board in:
I am a former Associate Editor in:
I have reviewed papers in the following journals and funding agencies:
See also my Web of Science profile: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/D-7673-2017
- European Journal of Psychological Assessment (since 2024)
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin (since 2025)
I am a member of Editorial Board in:
I am a former Associate Editor in:
- Acta Psychologica (2021-2023)
- Studia Psychologica: Theoria et Praxis (2020-2022)
I have reviewed papers in the following journals and funding agencies:
- Acta Psychologica
- Aggressive Behavior
- Annals of Psychology
- Asian Journal of Social Psychology
- Australian Journal of Psychology
- Behavioral Sciences
- British Journal of Psychology
- Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility
- Children and Youth Services Review
- Cogent Psychology
- Current Issues in Personality Psychology
- Current Psychology
- Czasopismo Psychologiczne
- Eating and Weight Disorders
- Ecology of Food and Nutrition
- European Journal of Personality
- Frontiers in Psychology
- Journal of Clinical Psychology
- Journal of Cognitive Psychogy
- Journal of Creative Behavior
- Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology
- Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
- Journal of General Psychology
- Journal of Personality
- Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
- Journal of Personality Assessment
- Journal of Research in Personality
- Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
- Journal of Well-Being Assessment
- International Journal of Adolescence and Youth
- International Journal of Consumer Studies
- International Journal of Psychology
- National Science Centre, Poland
- Liberi Libri
- OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying
- Personality and Individual Differences
- Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin
- Przegląd Psychologiczny
- Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- Polskie Forum Psychologiczne
- Primenjena psihologija
- Self & Identity
- Social Psychological and Personality Science
- Trends in Psychology
See also my Web of Science profile: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/D-7673-2017