- Excellence in Reviewing Award 2022, Association for Research in Personality
- Early Career Award 2021, International Society for the Study of Individual Differences
- START 2021 Scholarship, Foundation for Polish Science
- Emerging Scholar Award 2020, Association for Research in Personality
- Robert Zajonc 2020 Award, Polish Society of Social Psychology
- Piotr Jaśkowski 2020 Award, Philadelphia List Funclub
- Scholarship for outstanding young researchers from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for years 2019/2022.
- Top Peer Reviewer 2019 award for placing in top 1% of Publons reviewers in Psychiatry and Psychology
- Scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the best PhD students for 2017/2018
- Scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the best PhD students for 2016/2017
- Scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the best PhD students for 2014/2014
- Scholarship from the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the best PhD students for 2012/2013
- Best poster award (2013, October) on 21st International Conference on Eating Disorders, Alpbach, Austria
- Best oral presentation award (2013, April) on Polish conference "V Warsaw day on human nourishment" Warsaw
- Best paper award (2012, May) on Polish conference "Young Psychology", Warsaw
- Best oral presentation award (2012, May) on Polish conference "Psyche - Body - Contemporaneity" Bydgoszcz